One thing I love about gardening is having fresh flowers on my kitchen table, guest room bed side table, bathroom counter, and pretty much anywhere I can find a space!  There’s just something about having fresh flowers in each room that I just cannot get enough of, but always buying flower arrangements can really add up quick.  So I have compiled a list some of my favorite plants that can be used for fresh flower arrangements that are sure to get you inspired.

For flowers I like to use:

Any type of Hydrangea shrub will be perfect for easily cut blooms – green, white, blue or pink.  Edie Dekkers says that any type of stem that looks like a stick should be hammered on the counter so that it will absorb more water and last longer.

Yarrow’s (or Achillea) are also a great perennial not only outside but in your vases.

Astilbes, Heucheras (or  Coral Bells) and Hostas shoot up very beautiful blooms that work great for flower arrangements, and are great perennials for your shade gardens. I sometimes even use the Hosta leaves for my foliage in the arrangement.  Delphinium, Liatris, Penstemon, and Physostegia are also other beautiful flowers that will add gorgeous height to you vases and arrangements

Of course any Coneflower (or Echinacea) is a great flower to use whether with its petals or not, the cones are an interesting addition to flower arrangements.

I like to put Daylily blooms in their own tall vase – sometimes the flowers do not last very long once they are cut.

Irises are also, of course a beautiful flower to bring in the house!  With such a vast variety of colors you are sure to find one you love.

Lilies are a gorgeous flower to put in your vases! Not much to say there.

I have even used Perovskia  (most people know that perennial as ‘Russian Sage’) in my “wild flower” arrangements because it gives a beautiful wispy feel, smells good too.

My favorite time of the year are when my Peonies start to bloom!  When I see the first bloom I check my shrub every day and cut down any that I see.  There is nothing better than a vase of peonies in each room, in my opinion.

Upright Phlox are SO pretty in arrangements as well.

If you have Tea Roses they work beautifully, but my favorite shrub rose to use is the Grandma’s Blessing Rose bush.

For foliage I like to use:

Hosta leaves like I mentioned above.

Smoke bush – purple or green are both beautiful foliage shrubs that add a lot of beauty to your arrangements.

Some ornamental grasses can be but off and used in your vases.

Nine barks also give gorgeous, dark foliage to arrangements.



I hope this little list inspires you to get out in your garden and cut some flowers down to enjoy inside, or to give to a friend or relative who would also enjoy having flowers.  You do NOT by any means need to be a florist to put a couple Hydrangea blooms in your empty vases and make it look beautiful.  Add a little twine around the vase, or throw some of your favorite rocks in the bottom of a clear vase for some added interest.  The more you play around with what you have, the more confident you will become in your work.

What are some of your favorite plants for fresh cut flowers?

Perfect Plants for Fresh Cut Flowers