Ok, here I am talking about mums again! But I have had two questions that everyone seems to be asking….How can I get my mums to come back every year? And.. How long will the mums last in pots? Here
Picking Apples
Have you noticed all the incredible apple trees this year? Every one I see is completely loaded, including my own! I planted two Cortland apple trees about six years ago and this is the first year that I have something
September To-Do’s
September is a month where we really start getting excited for fall. Here are some things you can be doing in your landscape and garden to prepare for the season… Seed Your Lawns. September is the perfect time for seeding
Getting Excited for Fall!
Who else is getting excited for fall? Pumpkin flavored EVERYTHING, warm colors in your home décor, switching up your annual pots (read Katie’s blog here), the sunflowers, cremons (a variety of mum Leah designs with), ornamental grasses and cat tails,